Your Favorite Books

Plus, getting paid for NOT watching Star Wars?? And more fun news

“Find the good and praise it.”

—Alex Haley

Hello again!

I hope you’re having a great week so far, and that you’ve been taking advantage of National Parks Week!

Thank you so much for all the feedback on last week’s newsletter, and on my World Book Day post on Facebook! It’s been so much fun seeing what your favorite books are—and I’ve been able to add some to my to-read list, based on your recommendations.

If you’re not on Facebook or you missed that post, Tuesday was World Book Day, and I shared this picture of my all-time favorite book:

Several people noted how difficult it is to pick a favorite, and that is so true! Others commented with these favorites: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, 11/22/63 by Stephen King, East of Eden by John Steinbeck, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, At Heaven’s Gate by Robert Penn Warren.

Do YOU have a favorite book or books? How about a book you plan to read this summer?

Cheers and happy reading,


For New Subscribers

Here are some links to prior issues you may have missed—some of the best ones 😉 :

Why Positive Vibes? (How this newsletter got its start)

A Very Good Year (Contains many of the highlights of the journey for Walk through Fire: The Train Disaster that Changed America in the year of its release, 2023)

May the Road Rise Up to Meet You (St. Patrick’s Day 2024, with an excerpt from my upcoming novel, The View from the Cliffs)

You can find all the archived issues of Positive Vibes here. (Scroll down on that page after clicking on the link.)

What I’m Feeling Good About

I’ve been editing my novel, The View from the Cliffs, every night, and now I have just 20 pages left to edit! (I edit at average speed: about 5 pages per half-hour.) Still on track for its September release—stay tuned!

Three physicians.

Three continents.

Two decades.

One love story.

(For a more detailed description, see my “Leap-Day Cover Reveal” newsletter. And for a brief excerpt, see “May the Road Rise Up to Meet You.”)

I’m also pretty happy about my roses blooming so well this year! Do you have a garden picture you’d like to share? Please send it—I love those!

What You’re Feeling Good About

One Positive Vibes member, Heather, wrote in with a rather unique library memory:

When I was a kid the local library in Ewing, NJ agreed to take my pet rabbit when I no longer really wanted to have a rabbit. 

They would let her run around the library. 

I thought that was really kind of them to take my rabbit!

I hope she didn’t chew up a lot of books!

Another Positive Vibes member, Patti, shared a story that demonstrates true optimism and Positive Vibes thinking!

I ended up going to an unexpected, but much wished for, concert and got to meet one of my absolute favorite singer-songwriters and musician, Mac McAnally! I should have stayed home to clean, but I didn’t. 😂 

The concert was sold out, but I went on and asked to be put on the waiting list. Lo and behold, I got a call and got the tickets! Such a wonderful surprise and experience!

Patti and her sister, Gretchen, with Mac McAnally

Another Positive Vibes member, Kelly, shared that she made it to Oxford, England, for her April birthday!

(This section is where I’ll be featuring good news, tips, and bits of wisdom from readers—so please reply to this email and share some with me! It can be anything, big or small. Whatever you’re feeling good about.)

More Good News

If there is anyone out there who has never seen a single Star Wars movie (does such a person exist who is over the age of 18??), a financial advice website is looking for you…

Here’s a bit of Throwback Thursday for National Humor Month: have you seen the new CBS TV series, Elsbeth? Have you noticed that it’s a nod to Columbo?

And more good news in line with National Humor Month—how Brad and Kim Paisley raised $200,000 at Zanies Comedy Club for their local nonprofit here in Nashville:

Pawsitive Vibes

You know I love dogs. I find them amazing and fascinating—and I think we underestimate their abilities. Case in point:

Our dog Bear, who is a Trick Dog Performer, can do all the calculations mentioned in the article above, and she can definitely count on her treat when she does some of her trick routines!

Got a pet pic you’d like to share? Please feel free to reply to this email!

Riddle Me This

There are 2 ducks in front of a duck, 2 ducks behind a duck, and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?

Answer at the bottom of this newsletter.

For Your Playlist

Last Word

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Audrey Hepburn

Tell a Friend!

Know anyone who could use more positivity in their lives and would enjoy this newsletter? Send them the link to subscribe for free:

Fan Mail Address

How to get a signed bookplate sticker: see the intro to this post.

Answer to the riddle: 3 ducks—2 ducks are in front of the last duck; the first duck has 2 ducks behind; and 1 duck is between the other 2.