Your Favorite Christmas Movie

Plus, the Book Lovers Calendar is back!

“Find the good and praise it.”

—Alex Haley

Hello again!

I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season so far!

There’s lots of positive news this December! See below for just some of it.

And, if you’re like me, you enjoy watching Christmas and holiday movies or performances at this time of year.

Here are my top 3 favorite Christmas movies:

  1. A Charlie Brown Christmas

  2. Love Actually

  3. It’s a Wonderful Life (if you’ve read my book, Walk through Fire, you know why this is one of my favorites)

What about you?

However you choose to spend your holiday season, I hope it’s happy, safe, peaceful, and positive. :-)

Wishing you all the best for Christmas and in the new year,


For New Subscribers

Here are some links to prior issues you may have missed—some of the best ones 😉 :

Why Positive Vibes? (How this newsletter got its start)

A Very Good Year (Contains many of the highlights of the journey for Walk through Fire: The Train Disaster that Changed America in the year of its release, 2023)

May the Road Rise Up to Meet You (St. Patrick’s Day 2024, with an excerpt from my upcoming novel, The View from the Cliffs)

You can find all the archived issues of Positive Vibes here. (Scroll down on that page after clicking on the link.)

What I’m Feeling Good About

The Kickstarter campaign for my novel, The View from the Cliffs, was a great success! Thank you so much to those of you who backed the campaign!

The special Kickstarter pre-orders are now in the process of being fulfilled. I’ve also just released the novel (unsigned paperback version) on my new online bookshop!! It’s taken me soooo long to set up this bookshop, but it’s finally live! (The e-book will become available next week.)

Here is the link:

This bookshop is an ongoing work in progress, so if you, as a Positive Vibes subscriber, encounter any problems at all with the ordering process, please let me know! Email me directly at: [email protected].

You’ll also find the 2025 Book Lovers Calendar for sale in my online bookshop!

Here are images from the calendar:

Calendar image for January

Image for July

Coming soon: I’ll be offering autographed copies of Walk through Fire in limited quantities on my store. I’ll let you know once those are available!

(The “12 Months of Christmas” calendar will be back next year, with all-new designs! I ran out of time this year, due to all of the work around the new book release. I’ll let you know when it’s available next year!)

Finally, I was delighted to appear on the “5 Minutes to Chaos” podcast with former New York Fire Dept. member and emergency manager, Steven Kuhr, to discuss the Waverly Train Disaster and the creation of FEMA. You can listen anywhere you get your podcasts; just search for “5 Minutes to Chaos, Episode 71.” If you’re on Spotify, here’s the link:

What You’re Feeling Good About

December brings a lot of news from Positive Vibes members!

Congratulations to Dylan Crowell on graduating from Austin Peay with his Master’s Degree last Friday! You may remember Dylan from a few prior issues of Positive Vibes, including this one.

And Patti Damesworth sent this photo from the Waverly Christmas parade—this is the surviving fire truck that responded to the Waverly Train Disaster in February 1978 (the subject of my book, Walk through Fire: The Train Disaster that Changed America). Waverly’s Mayor, Buddy Frazier, who was the city’s youngest police officer and the first at the scene in 1978, had it restored, and now it leads the city’s Christmas parade every year!

Thank you also to Brian, who shared this video with me—even if you’ve already seen it, it’s worth rewatching, because Dick Van Dyke is the embodiment of Positive Vibes!

And finally, for those celebrating December birthdays, happy birthday! Here are some fun facts about December babies:

(This section is where I’ll be featuring good news, tips, and bits of wisdom from readers—so please reply to this email and share some with me! It can be anything, big or small. Whatever you’re feeling good about.)

Pawsitive Vibes

Merry Christmas from my dogs to you and yours!

Hmmm … wonder why the Christmas tree looks like Fort Knox??

Got a pet pic you’d like to share? Please feel free to reply to this email!

Riddle Me This

Guess the next three letters in the series: GTNTL.

Answer at the bottom of this newsletter.

For Your Playlist

Speaking of favorite Christmas movies, here’s a song from one of mine:

Here’s the link if you’re on Spotify.

And here’s one of Positive Vibes member Carolyn Tucker’s favorites, from Frozen—it’s also an excellent end-of-year anthem:

Here’s the link on Spotify.

Last Word

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

Hamilton Wright Mabie

Tell a Friend!

Know anyone who could use more positivity in their lives and would enjoy this newsletter? Send them the link to subscribe for free:

Fan Mail Address

How to get a signed bookplate sticker: see the intro to this post.

Answer to the riddle: I, T, S—the complete sequence is the first letter of every word in the sentence.